Stuck at the Start: Tips for ADHD and Task Initiation

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) comes with its fair share of challenges.

A close up of a street with the word start on the concrete. Learn how an ADHD therapist in Asheville, NC can offer support with ADHD treatment in Asheville, NC, and other services. Search for Asheville therapists to learn more.

Beginning undesirable tasks can be an immensely daunting feat, especially for individuals grappling with ADHD. The struggle often gives rise to intense frustration and overwhelming emotions. The perpetual battle with procrastination, inherent to this condition, inevitably exerts adverse effects on one's academic pursuits, professional endeavors, and interpersonal connections.

Overcoming this hurdle demands a multifaceted approach. This involves personalized strategies and support systems. These systems emphasizing small, achievable milestones can foster a sense of accomplishment and gradually alleviate the overwhelming burden. Establishing routines and employing time management techniques can significantly aid in curbing procrastination tendencies.

So, in order to learn to remedy this, here are a few strategies to try:

Break down the task

A woman covers her face while surrounded by question marks and exclamation points. This could represent the issues of ADHD that an ADHD therapist in Asheville, NC can address. Learn more by searching for therapists Asheville NC and learn more about A

Overwhelming might prove a difficult barrier when a task feels vast and without clarity of a place to begin. If you are able to break a daunting project into smaller chunks, then you create a manageable assortment with simpler tasks to focus on as opposed to abstract and daunting assignments. This decreases the energy required to begin a task, which will increase the likelihood of sticking with a task.

“Let’s just do five minutes”

In an attempt at compassionate self-deception, you can ask yourself to just engage with the task for 5 mins. In challenging yourself to commit to a measurable and tolerable amount of time, you are reducing the perceived cost of starting a task. You can do a whole bunch for 5 mins and you would be surprised by how often you’re working for more than just 5!

Make your environment friendly!

Utilize your environment in a manner that supports you in your efforts towards beginning tasks. Use others as motivation by utilizing shared work time to be productive. Some call it “body doubling” and it involves having another person nearby fully engaged with their own work. Often it is easier to engage in initiating things when others nearby are doing the same. This is also a meaningful way to spend time with others who might have their own lists they need to complete!

Seeking Support and Accountability From An ADHD Therapist in Asheville, NC

A close-up of a person writing on a page that says why not start now. Learn how an ADHD therapist in Asheville, NC can help you with starting new tasks. ADHD treatment in Asheville, NC, and over support by searching for Asheville therapists.

As is true with life, there is no one solution for everyone—what works might vary by person and task. Luckily, our team offers therapy services that can help with task initiation and all things ADHD both virtually, and in person in Asheville, NC. You can begin your therapy journey with Strive On by following these simple steps:

  1. Contact Strive On Counseling

  2. Meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start supporting your mental health!

Other Services Offered with Strive On Counseling

The team at Strive On Counseling knows that you may experience more than one mental health concern in addition to anxiety. This is why we are happy to offer many forms of therapy. These services include individual counseling, EMDR trauma therapy, therapy for men’s issues, mindfulness, Buddhist counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, teletherapy / online therapy. Other services offered include guided meditations, supplements, a list of books and other useful resources, and online courses. If you would like more information about any of these services, please reach out today, and start doing therapy in North Carolina!