Techniques for Changing Negative Core Beliefs

Learn how an Asheville mental health therapist can offer support with online therapy in North Carolina and can help you list three pieces of evidence contrary to your negative core belief.

In our journey towards improved mental health and self-awareness, one of the fundamental aspects to explore is our core beliefs – the deeply ingrained thoughts and convictions that shape our perceptions and behaviors. These beliefs, often developed in childhood or through life experiences, can have a profound impact on our emotions, relationships, and overall well-being. Negative core beliefs are often formed in response to adverse experiences or trauma and can have a significant impact on our mental health and overall well-being. Examples of negative core beliefs include "I am unworthy," "I am unlovable," or "I can never succeed." These beliefs are often illogical and irrational in nature, yet they have a powerful influence on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors if left unaddressed

How Can You Change Core Beliefs?

Evidence-based techniques offer valuable tools for identifying and restructuring these core beliefs, enabling us to cultivate a more balanced and positive mindset. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a widely recognized therapeutic approach, is particularly effective in challenging and modifying unhelpful core beliefs through various strategies:

  • Identifying Automatic Thoughts: Begin by becoming aware of your automatic thoughts – the rapid, often subconscious beliefs that influence your emotions and reactions in daily life. By recognizing these thoughts, you can start to trace them back to the underlying core beliefs they stem from.

  • Examining Evidence: Challenge your core beliefs by examining the evidence that supports or refutes them. Are there alternative perspectives or experiences that contradict your deeply held beliefs? Engaging in this rational exploration can help you create a more nuanced and balanced worldview.

  • Behavioral Experiments: Conduct small behavioral experiments to test the validity of your core beliefs. By stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new approaches, you can gather real-life evidence to evaluate the accuracy and adaptability of your beliefs. It can also be helpful to “act as-if”, meaning tailor your behaviors to reflect the positive opposite of your negative core beliefs.

A graphic showing thoughts from a brain going from one form of thought to another. This could symbolize the support for restructuring negative core beliefs that an Asheville mental health therapist can help you accomplish
  • Cognitive Restructuring: Practice cognitive restructuring techniques to reframe negative or distorted core beliefs into more constructive and empowering ones. By consciously replacing maladaptive thoughts with healthier alternatives, you can gradually reshape your mindset and emotional responses.

  • Mindfulness and Acceptance: Integrate mindfulness practices and acceptance-based techniques to foster a compassionate and non-judgmental attitude towards your core beliefs. By observing your thoughts with mindfulness and cultivating self-compassion, you can create a supportive environment for exploring and transforming deeply rooted beliefs. Replace negative self-talk with self-compassionate thoughts. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes and it's okay to have flaws.

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): EMDR primarily targets the processing and healing of traumatic memories, it also has the potential to bring about profound changes in a person’s negative core beliefs about themselves. By systematically reprocessing these distressing memories, EMDR helps individuals challenge and change their negative core beliefs, replacing them with more positive and adaptive beliefs.

Remember, changing core beliefs is a gradual and ongoing process that requires patience, self-reflection, and professional guidance when needed. By incorporating evidence-based techniques into your mental health journey, you can unlock new perspectives, foster resilience, and cultivate greater psychological well-being.  If you are seeking professional help with challenging your own negative core beliefs or treating your anxiety, we have qualified therapists who would love to help.

An Asheville Mental Health Therapist Can Help You Address Negative Core Beliefs

A graphic showing a woman hugging herself while smiling. This could represent the self love cultivated when overcoming negative core beliefs. Contact an Asheville mental health therapist to learn more about mindfulness therapy Asheville, NC

If you feel like these beliefs are overwhelming and keeping you stuck, there’s no shame in seeking professional help. Reach out to us for a free consultation today! Our team of caring therapists is happy to offer support from our Asheville-based practice. You can receive support in building more positive core beliefs by following these simple steps:

Other Services Offered with Strive On Counseling

Our team understands you may experience a number of mental health concerns as you navigate negative core beliefs. This is why we are happy to offer a variety of mental health services at Strive On Counseling. Mental health services offered include individual counseling, anxiety treatment, EMDR trauma therapy, therapy for men’s issues, mindfulness, Buddhist counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, teletherapy/online therapy. Some other resources we offer include guided meditations, supplements, a list of books and other useful resources, and online courses. If you would like more information about any of these services, please reach out today, and start doing therapy in North Carolina!