The Struggle is Real: Tips From a Therapist for Finding Joy in the Early Days of Sobriety

The early days of sobriety are often the most difficult. You are just starting to get your life back, and you have to face all of the challenges that come with it. Alcohol, drugs or another addiction have taken so much from you. And now, it's hard to rebuild. It can be tough to find joy in anything when you're struggling with addiction, particularly in the early days of recovery. But it is important to remember the reasons you are making this choice…

An Asheville Therapist's Tips to Make Mindfulness More Than Just a New Years Resolution

An Asheville Therapist's Tips to Make Mindfulness More Than Just a New Years Resolution

Who hasn’t made a New Years’ resolution? I know I have. Perhaps, you’ve vowed to eat better, get more sleep, study harder, or exercise? But, have you ever considered making a resolution to take care of your mental health? I want to take a moment and explain how practicing mindfulness and meditation can transform your life and become more than just another resolution you give up after a few weeks.

What to expect when you start CBT

What to expect when you start CBT

CBT is short for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It’s a type of therapy based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors all affect each other. We can’t directly change our emotions, but we can change our thoughts and our behaviors. By changing how we think, what we believe, and how we respond in situations, we can start to feel better.

Making Friends With Your Anxiety

Making Friends With Your Anxiety

Anxiety is a function that is built into the human nervous system, for better or for worse. Understanding that it is natural (though seldom logical, and almost never comfortable) allows space for questions such as, “What would it feel like to fully accept anxiety when it is present?” “If I stopped fighting, what would happen?” “Can I be fully present during the experience of anxiety?” If you have a strong reaction to these questions, remember that sentiment, and check to see if it still feels true at the end of this blog.